If you’re having trouble with the vimeo streaming or are worried that you’re going to be charged, well, here’s how the process works.
When you click on your unique link you get a page like this:

If you have a vimeo account already, go ahead and login. If you don’t, enter your email and pick a password. This allows you to download and stream as many times as you want as long as you want. Like this:

and click join with email. You’ll now have the option to buy the video for $30 with a $30 discount. That makes it $0.

click continue. You can now watch it streaming or download it.

To watch it in the future you can go to http://villagevideo.org/turnshoe or http://laughingcrowe.com/shoemaking-video-tools/ (where you can also buy tools and such from Jason). If you want to download it in the future, go to https://vimeo.com/ondemand/turnshoe/ or just click the little vimeo icon in the corner.

on that page it gives you the option to download it:

Remember to make sure you’re logged in to vimeo in the future. If you’re not, just click the little purchase button in the corner and choose login and you’ll be good to go.
If you have any troubles, please email us at info@villagevideo.org